There's Always Tea

Did William Shakespeare Really Write His Plays?

Keith Hockton and Nikki Jordan Season 3 Episode 4

"To write or not to write, that is the question!" Is there even a shadow of a doubt as to whether the late great William Shakespeare actually wrote his own plays? Amazingly, yes there is - many of them! The team at T.A.T. have all been surfing the research trail to bring you the truth of what we believe really happened over 400 years ago. Spoiler alert - there is a ton of evidence to suggest......oh now c'mon I have to leave something juicy for you to discover in the show :) So "friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears" and settle in with Keith and Nikki and of course your favourite cuppa for this very entertaining episode. 

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Disclaimer: all of the information described in our podcast is our interpretation of the research combined with our own areas of expertise. All our tea recipes are made with the best of intentions, but do seek medical guidance if you have any health issues.