There's Always Tea
Welcome to "There's Always Tea" - an uplifting podcast that will have you learning and laughing. Keith Hockton and Nikki Jordan are broadcasters, business owners, authors, and lovers of tea. Their different personalities offer a fresh perspective for their listeners. They discuss topics that they know and love - from historical facts to ethereal ideologies and everything in between! It all makes for entertaining episodes that are easy to listen to and fun.
There's Always Tea
Scottish Haggis - Only For The Brave!
Join Keith as he talks about Scotland's national dish, and shares his families 600 year old recipe, for the first time, for the Haggis. This controversial dish has been banned in countries around the world but it's beloved in Scotland, and a symbol of Scottish culture and tradition. Served on special occasions, such as Burns Night, this delicious dish should be eaten all year round! Well, that's Keith's view. So, kick back and join him for a cuppa as he waxes lyrical and gives an ode to Robert Burns, Scottish poet and lyricist, and the Haggis.
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Disclaimer: all of the information described in our podcast is our interpretation of the research combined with our own areas of expertise. All our tea recipes are made with the best of intentions, but do seek medical guidance if you have any health issues.