There's Always Tea

General Gordon of Khartoum - The Last Victorian Hero

Season 3 Episode 17

General Charles Gordon - a man who achieved incredible success in China and the Sudan, and changed the world as we know it today. Even though he was the most famous man in the world, and Queen Victoria's favorite General, he rejected all fame and glory. He was the quirkiest General of his time, intuitively brilliant, and he would become one of the innovative Christian philanthropists of his era.  He walked into battle with a cheroot and a cane, completely unarmed, and he was brave beyond compare. With charisma in spades his hypnotic blue grey eyes could stop an army in its tracks. Keith and Nikki are breaking it all down in this week's episode so pour your favourite cuppa and join us as we shine a light on someone who would never have done this for himself. 

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Disclaimer: all of the information described in our podcast is our interpretation of the research combined with our own areas of expertise. All our tea recipes are made with the best of intentions, but do seek medical guidance if you have any health issues.